Dakota Electric Solar
We continue to research renewable energy and are adding more to our generation mix.
Dakota Solar 4 — Vermillion River Solar Array
Dakota Electric Association members are now receiving electricity from a new 3-megawatt (MW) solar facility built specifically for the cooperative’s member-owners. The solar array is located south of Farmington.
Unlike a solar garden where members can purchase and own their own panels, this is a utility-scale project. Engie (formerly SoCore Energy) built and owns the solar facility on behalf of Great River Energy. Through a power purchase contract with Great River Energy, Dakota Electric purchases all the solar output for delivery to its member-owners. The power purchased from this project reduces the amount of electricity Dakota Electric will need to purchase from non-renewable generation sources and provides a hedge for future wholesale power costs.
Solar Array Quick Facts
- Total panels = 10,368
- Land area is around 15 acres and planted with pollinator friendly habitat.
- 370 watts per panel
- Total capacity is 3 megawatts (3.8 MW DC)
- The panels should produce around 5.29 million kWh of electricity annually.
- The site will produce enough energy to power about 600 average homes.
- Panels are fixed angles to the south.
- Panels have a 25-year life expectancy.
- The system reduces the amount of electricity Dakota Electric will need to purchase that is generated from non-renewable sources.
View the live solar production at Dakota Solar 4
*Data is for educational purposes only.

Dakota Solar 4 south of Farmington.
Dakota Solar 3 — Randolph Solar Array
Dakota Electric Association members are now receiving electricity from a new 2-megawatt (MW) solar facility built specifically for the cooperative’s member-owners. The solar array is located in Randolph.
Unlike a solar garden where members can purchase and own their own panels, this is a utility-scale project. Engie (formerly SoCore Energy) built and owns the solar facility on behalf of Great River Energy. Through a power purchase contract with Great River Energy, Dakota Electric purchases all the solar output for delivery to its member-owners. The power purchased from this project reduces the amount of electricity Dakota Electric will need to purchase from non-renewable generation sources and provides a hedge for future wholesale power costs.
Solar Array Quick Facts
- Total panels = 7,776
- Land area is 15 acres.
- 325 watts per panel
- Total capacity is 2 MW (2.5 MW DC)
- Panels should produce more than 3 million kWh of electricity annually.
- Will produce enough energy to power about 300 average homes.
- Panels will track the sun and tilt +/-60 degrees.
- Panels have a 25-year life expectancy.
- The area around the solar panels will be planted with pollinator-friendly plants and will provide habitat for bees and other pollinators.
View the live solar production at Dakota Solar 3
*Data is for educational purposes only.
Dakota Solar 2 — Marshan Solar Array
Dakota Electric Association members are now receiving electricity from a new 1-megawatt (MW) solar facility built specifically for the cooperative’s member-owners. The solar array is located along Hwy. 316 south of Hastings.
Unlike a solar garden where members can purchase and own their own panels, this is a utility-scale project. SoCore Energy built and owns the solar facility on behalf of Great River Energy. Through a power purchase contract with Great River Energy, Dakota Electric purchases all the solar output for delivery to its member-owners. The power purchased from this project reduces the amount of electricity Dakota Electric will need to purchase from non-renewable generation sources and provides a hedge for future wholesale power costs.
Solar Array Quick Facts
- Total panels = 3,906
- Land area is just over five acres.
- 310 watts per panel
- Total capacity is 1 MW (1.2 MW DC)
- Panels should produce more than 1.5 million kWh of electricity annually.
- Will produce enough energy to power about 150 average homes.
- Panels are mounted at a 25-degree angle facing south.
- Panels have a 25-year life expectancy.
- The area around the solar panels will be planted with pollinator-friendly plants and will provide habitat for bees and other pollinators.
View live solar production at Dakota Solar 2.
*Data is for educational purposes only.
Dakota Solar 1 — Farmington Solar Array
Great River Energy, Dakota Electric’s wholesale power supplier, installed an 18-kW AC solar array in Farmington, located on the southeast corner of Highway 50 and Denmark Avenue. This project is a joint effort by Great River Energy and Dakota Electric to understand how solar performs and what it takes to plan, finance and execute a solar project.
View GRE’s solar production data tool*
*Data is for educational purposes only.