an electric vehicle plugged into a charging station

Dakota Electric offers two voluntary options for charging your EV at home as well as a rebate of up to $500 to cover the cost of installing a charging circuit and meter on either program.

Off-peak storage rate

This option offers members the lowest cost of off-peak electricity for charging an EV. Electricity for charging an EV is only available during off-peak hours (11 p.m. – 7 a.m.), and members receive a discounted rate for their EV charging.

Time-of-use rate

This option allows members to charge their EV at any time of day. Members receive a discounted rate for charging their EV during off-peak hours.


We’re in the process of implementing an innovative EV charging program. Get ready to enjoy convenient and cost-effective electric vehicle charging with off-peak energy charge credits. While we’re currently in the testing phase, stay tuned for more updates inside the upcoming issues of Circuits.