Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered. Learn more about Dakota Electric’s rate adjustment plans.

Dakota Electric last requested a rate adjustment from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in 2019. Through rising energy costs and global pandemic, your co-op has worked tirelessly to keep costs stable while maintaining the safe, reliable and efficient service you’ve come to expect. For every $1 you send to Dakota Electric, approximately 70 to 75 cents is paid directly to Great River Energy, our wholesale power supplier. Because wholesale power makes up such a large part of your bill, wholesale power increases significantly impact your monthly bill.

Beyond the wholesale energy cost, the cost of electric distribution that makes up the other 25-30% of your bill has also increased since 2019. The rising costs of critical equipment, such as transformers, poles and wires, play a large role in our expenditures. Supply chain challenges have led to extended lead times, often stretching for months or years, making it necessary to adjust rates accordingly. Dakota Electric always seeks cost-saving measures and efficiencies to minimize the impact on our members. We remain committed to providing the best possible service while keeping costs in check. As a not-for-profit cooperative, our focus is always what’s best for our members and communities. For more information on the rate case, please visit the PUC website.

While the effect of the proposed increase on your bill will vary depending upon member classification and amount of energy use, the average monthly bill for a residential member will increase by $13.11 from $98.41 per month to $111.52 per month. The charts below provide more detail on the impact of proposed increases for each member classification or download our rate filing brochure.

Table showing current and proposed energy and demand rates for Residential, Small General Service, and General Service classifications.

The entire rate case process generally takes approximately 10-12 months. Final rate information should be decided by the PUC in fall/winter 2025. Interim rates will apply to electricity use beginning in March 1, 2025, for which members will begin receiving bills in April. The interim increase will remain in effect until the MPUC determines final rates.

An interim rate is a temporary rate adjustment that goes into effect while the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) reviews a utility’s request for a permanent rate change. This adjustment helps ensure the utility can cover its operating costs and continue providing reliable service while the rate case is under consideration.

Interim rates are subject to refund if the PUC ultimately approves a lower final rate than the interim rate. If the final approved rate is lower, customers will receive refunds with interest for any overpayment made during the interim period. This process ensures that customers are treated fairly while allowing the utility to meet its financial obligations.

If you want to read the entire rate case filing, visit MN Commerce Department Website to find the filing. Click on Search Documents, type 24-400 in the box labeled Docket #s, then click on the blue Search button to see the list of documents. Updates from Dakota Electric will be posted on our rate case webpage and on our social media channels X, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

By participating in energy efficiency rebates, load control programs and utilizing other conservation methods, members can reduce their electricity consumption. Dakota Electric Energy Experts® can help you save energy and money. Call 651-463-6243 to talk with an Energy Expert, or visit our Save Energy, Save Money page to learn more helpful tips.

Yes. Dakota Electric is financially healthy. In August of 2023, our accounting firm, Eide Bailey gave us a “clean” financial audit. Each year, Dakota Electric builds a bottoms-up operating budget, analyzing all costs associated with delivering safe and reliable electricity.

Dakota Electric hasn’t filed a rate case since 2019 and before that, 2014. Each year, Dakota Electric builds a bottoms-up operating budget, analyzing all costs associated with delivering safe and reliable electricity. We carefully assess operational expenses, infrastructure needs, and long-term investments. These annual assessments determine if a rate adjustment is necessary.

Anyone who wishes to file a petition to intervene in this case should contact:

Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings
P.O. Box 64620
St. Paul, MN 55164-0620
Phone: 651-361-7900

You do not need to contact the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings if you simply want to attend the public hearings, provide oral comments at the public hearings or submit comment letters.

The MPUC is asking customers to comment on Dakota Electric Association’s request for a rate increase. Send your comments to:

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
121 7th Place East, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55101-2147
Phone: 651-296-0406 or 800-657-3782
E-mail: [email protected]

Be sure to reference MPUC Docket No. E-111/GR-24-400 in all correspondence or requests.

You will also have the opportunity to provide written comments directly to the Administrative Law Judge that hears this case during the contested case proceeding.

Citizens with hearing or speech disabilities may call through their preferred Telecommunication Relay Service.

If you are interested in participating or providing comment, please visit our rate case participation page.

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