Dakota Electric Association provided the school districts of 192, 252, 659 and Dakota County Technical College with donations from the unclaimed capital credits fund. Dakota Electric awarded a total of $47,000 of unclaimed capital credits money to the schools this year, which will be used to fund specific educational projects and reach district goals.

Board members pose with district superintendents Jason Berg (third from L), Jeff Sampson (third from R) and Michael Berndt (R) of DCTC.
District 192, Farmington, will use the money to create an informational video to improve communication with the community. District 252, Cannon Falls, will use the money to update the welding stations in the Career and Technical Education Department. District 659, Northfield, will use the money to help update the equipment in the Technology and Engineering Department’s shops and classrooms. Dakota County Technical College will use the money for scholarships and emergency funds for veterans, active military and their families.
Superintendent Jason Berg, District 192, and Superintendent Jeff Sampson, District 252, and Michael Berndt, president of Dakota County Technical College, were at Dakota Electric recently to thank the board for the donations and share how they will use the money. They were all very appreciative of Dakota Electric’s support of education over the years.
Since 2013, Dakota Electric has donated more than $454,000 across all the school districts throughout its service territory — each year providing money to different schools. This is above the annual scholarship donations that students receive in every school district. All funds come from unclaimed capital credits.