Winter Special Adventures and Lego League named runners up
Dakota Electric Association named Making Our Moms Successful (M.O.M.S.) Program, Burnsville, as the local 2022 Touchstone Energy Community Award winner. Winter Special Adventures, Vermillion, and Dakota Middle School Lego League Sixth Graders, Eagan, were named runners-up, and each organization received a plaque and a check for $500.
“Dakota Electric is proud to be able to recognize these organizations doing great work in our local communities,” said Greg Miller, Dakota Electric’s president and chief executive officer. “As a member-owned cooperative, we are committed to our local communities, and this is one way we encourage and honor those who are like-minded.”
M.O.M.S. Program provides long-term mentoring for single mothers and their children in Dakota and Scott counties. The program seeks to strengthen the next generation and break the cycles of poverty, abuse, addiction and dysfunction. First Lego League, made up of sixth graders at Dakota Hill Middle School, is a precursor to robotics. The team seeks a project each year to design and build. This year the students built a solar charging system for ipads at their school.
Winter Special Adventures provides individuals with disabilities a chance to experience outdoor activities in a fun and safe environment. Participants receive UTV rides, lunch, hot chocolate and more.
Since 2005, the Touchstone Energy Community Award has recognized organizations for their outstanding contributions to the local community.
The M.O.M.S. Program award application will be submitted to the statewide Minnesota Touchstone Energy Community Award. The statewide award recipient will be selected from local award winners throughout Minnesota and will receive $2,000. The Minnesota Touchstone Energy Community Award will be announced in February, during the Minnesota Rural Electric Association’s annual meeting in St. Paul.

Dakota Electric Director Margaret Schreiner (2nd from R) presented the award to (L-R) representatives from the M.O.M.S. Program: Deanna Samaraka, board member; Carla Winder, program manager; Executive Director Kathryn Archambault and Janet Schneider, board director.

Winter Adventures
Dakota Electric Director Jack DeYoe (L) presented a the award to members of the Winter Adventures team standing by their UTVs and a trailer for those in wheelchairs (L-R): Becca Ralson, Danny Nelson, Nic Henry, Paul Henry, Mike Nelson and Aiden and Aurora.

Lego League
Dakota Electric Director Bill Middlecamp presented the award to the Lego League team sixth graders (L-R): Shreyas, Avik, Dexter, Burnam and Asher.