Dakota Electric held its annual meeting on April 25, where members heard reports from Board Chair Paul Bakken, Treasurer Jerry Pittman and President & CEO Ryan Hentges.
In his report, Ryan Hentges highlighted the cooperative’s achievements and priorities. He emphasized a commitment to safety, showcasing RESAP’s (Rural Electric Safety Achievement Program)implementation to enhance safety measures and community education. Hentges also focused on prioritizing employee well-being, expanding the workforce and maintaining financial integrity. Infrastructure expansion and proactive maintenance were highlighted to ensure operational resilience. Energy optimization initiatives aimed to promote environmental stewardship and collaboration on renewable energy projects. Additionally, the report underscored efforts to enhance member experience through effective customer service and community engagement. Innovation was showcased through advancements in cybersecurity and the development of a DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management System) strategy. Throughout, gratitude was expressed to employees, community partners and members for their support and trust in Dakota Electric’s sustainable future.
If you weren’t able to attend the meeting, you can view the reports on our YouTube channel, or visit our annual meeting page.

The results of our annual election were also announced at the meeting. Members re-elected five incumbent directors this year. (L-R) Jerry Pittman, Cyndee Fields, Clay Van De Bogart, Jenny Hoeft and Ken Danner.