What to Expect in 2022

Greg Miller, President & CEO
It is a new year, which means new opportunities, challenges and growth. We look forward to what is to come in 2022.
At the December board meeting, our board reviewed and approved the 2022 budget and construction work plan. We continue to see tremendous growth in residential and commercial members even with supply chain challenges and elevated prices facing developers. Dakota Electric will not file a rate case in 2022.
We are looking forward to creating new programs around the recently enacted Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) Act passed by the Minnesota legislature in May of 2021. Energy efficiency program expansion, electric vehicles and battery storage will be an even bigger part of our near future. Key stakeholders will provide guidance by late March and Dakota Electric will work with Great River Energy and other co-ops throughout 2022 to develop and implement new programs. Exciting times are ahead for electric end-uses and Dakota Electric wants to help members take advantage of these uses.
Dakota Electric’s board of directors approved a new 25-year wholesale power wind contract in southwest Minnesota on the Buffalo Ridge for 100 megawatts (MW). After much discussion, an option to take an additional 68 MW from Coal Creek Station did not pass at the December board meeting. Dakota Electric is one of 28 cooperatives who voted on the proposed power purchase agreements. Regardless of the outcome of the Coal Creek Station purchase option, Great River Energy’s contract to purchase output from Coal Creek Station expires in 2030.
For more information on our power supplier Great River Energy, please visit the “Your Power Supply” scrolling banner.
Our members and hardworking employees make the communities we serve a better place. Thank you for all we have accomplished together in 2021. We look forward to another great year in 2022!