As a member of Dakota Electric, you have the opportunity to participate in our annual election and vote for the directors who serve on the board and govern your cooperative. Dakota Electric 2024 annual election ballots will be mailed on April 8 from Survey & Ballot Systems, an independent election service. Each ballot includes instructions on how to vote by mail or online, as well as all director candidate biographies. Candidate biographies and additional election information can also be found at
Vote by Mail
Ballots must be received at Survey & Ballot Systems’ office no later than noon on April 25. Ballots should NOT be dropped off at Dakota Electric’s office.
(The member’s original paper ballot may be submitted in person at Dakota Electric’s Annual Meeting.)
Vote Online
Go to homepage; you will need your account number and election passcode, both of which will be included with the ballot mailed on April 8.

Proposed Bylaw Change
The Dakota Electric Board of Directors proposed a bylaw amendment of the Article of Incorporation and Bylaws
SECTION 1. General Powers
No Changes
SECTION 2. Number, Qualifications, Tenure and Election.
No Changes
SECTION 3. Nominations
New Paragraph – Paragraph 5
If the Board of Directors determines that an applicant or candidate for director lacks eligibility under Article III, Section 2 of these Bylaws, it shall be the duty of the board to promptly disqualify said applicant or candidate.
SECTION 4. Voting by Mail for Directors.
No Changes
SECTION 5. Vacancies
(a) If the office of any director becomes vacant, the remaining directors may appoint a successor. A director appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next regular members meeting or election date or until a successor shall have been elected and qualified.
(ba) In the event that a director becomes totally incapacitated, by a health condition, impairment, accident, death or other condition, which shall be determined to a reasonable medical certainty, the remaining directors may declare that a vacancy exists. and appoint a director who shall serve until the next regular members meeting or election date or until a successor has been elected and qualified. In order to make a determination that a director has become totally incapacitated, the directors shall convene a Special Meeting to consider and evaluate: 1) whether the director is indeed incapacitated; 2) whether to remove that director as a result of his/her death or incapacity; and 3) whether to replace that director as a result of his/her death or incapacity. In evaluating whether a director is totally incapacitated, the Board may consider, for example, whether the director has not been present absent at three (3) consecutive board meetings because of health or illness, and is not expected to recover or be able to return to board service.
(cb) If a director is absent without good reason from three regular board meetings within any one year period, the remaining directors may declare that a vacancy exists. and appoint a director who shall serve until the next regular members meeting or election date or until a successor has been elected and qualified.
(dc) After If the Board of Directors determines that a director or a nominee for director lacks eligibility under Article III, Section II the provisions of these Bylaws, it shall be the duty of the board to promptly make a disqualification. After the Board of Directors determines that any person being considered for or already holding a directorship lacks eligibility, it shall be the duty of the board to withhold the position office from such person or to cause a said director to be removed therefrom, as the case may be. and declare that a vacancy exists.
(d) If the office of any director becomes vacant, the remaining directors may appoint a successor, but only after: 1) informing members of a vacancy, in a manner similar to how the cooperative communicates scheduled director elections; 2) providing appropriate time and opportunity for members to express an interest in, or ask questions about, the vacancy and board service; and 3) taking sufficient time to review whether the proposed appointed director is qualified to be a director. A director appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next regular election date, at which the remainder of the unexpired term, if any, shall be filled by special election.
SECTION 1. General Powers.
The business and affairs of this Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. Number, Qualifications, Tenure and Election.
The number of directors of this Association shall be twelve (12). The Association shall be divided into four (4) director districts as determined by the Board of Directors with three (3) directors elected from each district.
Representation on the Board of Directors shall be apportioned equally among the districts in proportion to the number of members residing in each district. The 4 number of members in any one district may not vary by more than ten percent (10%) from the average number of members for the districts. At least once every ten (10) years the Board of Directors shall conduct a survey to determine whether the number of members in a district has changed. If the number of members in a district has changed by fifteen percent (15%) or more, the districts shall be changed so that representation on the Board of Directors continues to be apportioned equally throughout the districts in proportion to the membership.
The Association will not discriminate against any director nominee based on age, disability, race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. No member shall be eligible to become or remain a director (a) who is employed by a competing energy business; (b) who within eighteen (18) months prior to the date of the annual meeting has been an employee of the Association or its subsidiary companies; (c) who has been finally adjudged guilty of a felony within the previous five (5) years; or (d) who is not an individual member of the Association, receiving service at the member’s primary residence in the district from which the director is elected. When a membership is held jointly, either member, but not both, may be elected a director. The nominee in each district receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be elected. In the case of a tie vote, the election shall be decided by the flip of a coin.
The term of office for a director shall be three (3) years and staggered so that four directors are elected each year. At each regular members meeting or election date, an election shall be held from the district where the terms of directors have expired.
SECTION 3. Nominations.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to appoint, at least forty-five (45) days before the date of a regular members meeting or election date at which directors are to be elected, a Committee on Nominations consisting of two (2) members from each director district. The actions of the Committee on Nominations shall be valid as long as at least five (5) members are present for its meeting or meetings. No officer or member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed a member of such committee.
A member who desires to be a candidate for the Board of Directors must submit an application for director and comply with such other requirements as may be established by the Board of Directors. A member who fails to submit an application for director by the deadline established by the Board of Directors shall not be considered as a candidate for director. The Association will provide members with adequate notice of these requirements in its monthly publication and through such other means as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.
The Committee on Nominations shall post on the Association’s website at least forty (40) days before the regular members’ meeting or election date a list of nominations for directors. A member who has submitted an application for director and has also participated in the nominating process as established by the Committee on Nominations, but was not nominated by the Committee on Nominations, may become a candidate for director by submitting to the Association a petition signed by ten (10) members within ten (10) days after the Committee on Nominations posts its list of nominees on the Association’s website. The members who sign the petition must reside at different addresses. The Secretary shall include any additional nominations on the ballot. The Association shall also publish the list 5 of nominees in the monthly newsletter or periodical.
The Secretary shall mail with the notice of the regular members meeting or election date a statement of the number of directors to be elected. The Secretary shall also inform the members of the manner in which they may vote by mail for directors. The members may, at any meeting at which a director or directors shall be removed as hereinbefore provided, elect a successor or successors thereto without compliance with the foregoing provisions with respect to nominations. Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall not affect in any manner whatsoever the validity of any election of directors.
SECTION 4. Voting by Mail for Directors.
The members shall be entitled to vote by mail for directors as provided in this section. The Secretary shall mail to each member with the notice of the regular members meeting or election date, a ballot for directors in a form prescribed by the Board of Directors. A member may vote by mail for directors by marking the ballot for the candidate of the member’s choice. The member shall return the ballot by mail to the Association, or to a place designated by the Association, in a sealed, plain envelope. Ballots and instructions for marking them, ballot envelopes, and return envelopes shall be sent by first class mail to addresses recorded as the mailing address for billing of any eligible member. The ballot envelope and return envelope shall be marked “Official Ballot,” and shall contain sufficient postage to assure proper return delivery. The member shall not assign the member’s voting privileges to anyone other than the spouse of the member. An improperly assigned vote is not to be counted. If the ballot of the member is received by the Association on or before the date of the regular members’ meeting or election date, the ballot shall be accepted and counted as the vote of the absent member.
A member who claims that a ballot was not received by such member, or that the ballot received by such member was thereafter lost, damaged or destroyed, shall be entitled to one replacement ballot. At least fifty (50) days before the election date, each nominee shall be entitled to inspect and copy at the offices of Dakota Electric Association the names and addresses of as many of the members of the Dakota Electric Association as the nominee requests. All elections for the Board of Directors shall be under the supervision and review of a qualified firm selected by the Board of Directors. No employee or individual director of Dakota Electric Association shall participate in any aspect of the administration of the election process except as a candidate or to cast a vote as a member, or as set forth in Article III, Section 3 of these Bylaws.
SECTION 5. Vacancies
(a) If the office of any director becomes vacant, the remaining directors may appoint a successor. A director appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next regular members meeting or election date or until a successor shall have been elected and qualified.
(b) In the event that a director becomes totally incapacitated by a health condition, impairment, accident, death or other condition, the remaining directors may declare that a vacancy exists and appoint a director who shall serve until the next regular members meeting or election date or until a 6 successor has been elected and qualified. In order to make a determination that a director has become totally incapacitated, the directors shall convene a Special Meeting to consider and evaluate: 1) whether the director is indeed incapacitated; 2) whether to remove that director as a result of his/her death or incapacity; and 3) whether to replace that director as a result of his/her death or incapacity. In evaluating whether a director is totally incapacitated, the Board may consider, for example, whether the director has not been present at three (3) consecutive board meetings because of health or illness, and is not expected to recover or be able to return to board service.
(c) If a director is absent without good reason from three regular board meetings within any one year period, the remaining directors may declare that a vacancy exists and appoint a director who shall serve until the next regular members meeting or election date or until a successor has been elected and qualified.
(d) After the Board of Directors determines that a director or a nominee for director lacks eligibility under the provisions of these Bylaws, it shall be the duty of the board to promptly make a disqualification. After the Board of Directors determines that any person being considered for or already holding a directorship lacks eligibility, it shall be the duty of the board to with hold the position from such person or to cause a director to be removed therefrom, as the case may be.
SECTION 1. General Powers
No Changes
SECTION 2. Number, Qualifications, Tenure and Election.
No Changes
SECTION 3. Nominations.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to appoint, at least forty-five (45) days before the date of a regular members meeting or election date at which directors are to be elected, a Committee on Nominations consisting of two (2) members from each director district. The actions of the Committee on Nominations shall be valid as long as at least five (5) members are present for its meeting or meetings. No officer or member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed a member of such committee.
A member who desires to be a candidate for the Board of Directors must submit an application for director and comply with such other requirements as may be established by the Board of Directors. A member who fails to submit an application for director by the deadline established by the Board of Directors shall not be considered as a candidate for director. The Association will provide members with adequate notice of these requirements in its monthly publication and through such other means as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.
The Committee on Nominations shall post on the Association’s website at least forty (40) days before the regular members’ meeting or election date a list of nominations for directors. A member who has submitted an application for director and has also participated in the nominating process as established by the Committee on Nominations, but was not nominated by the Committee on Nominations, may become a candidate for director by submitting to the Association a petition signed by ten (10) members within ten (10) days after the Committee on Nominations posts its list of nominees on the Association’s website. The members who sign the petition must reside at different addresses. The Secretary shall include any additional nominations on the ballot. The Association shall also publish the list 5 of nominees in the monthly newsletter or periodical.
The Secretary shall mail with the notice of the regular members meeting or election date a statement of the number of directors to be elected. The Secretary shall also inform the members of the manner in which they may vote by mail for directors. The members may, at any meeting at which a director or directors shall be removed as hereinbefore provided, elect a successor or successors thereto without compliance with the foregoing provisions with respect to nominations. Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall not affect in any manner whatsoever the validity of any election of directors.
If the Board of Directors determines that an applicant or candidate for director lacks eligibility under Article III, Section 2 of these Bylaws, it shall be the duty of the board to promptly disqualify said applicant or candidate.
SECTION 4. Voting by Mail for Directors.
No Changes
SECTION 5. Vacancies
(a) In the event that a director becomes totally incapacitated, which shall be determined to a reasonable medical certainty, the remaining directors may declare that a vacancy exists. In evaluating whether a director is totally incapacitated, the Board may consider, for example, whether the director has been absent at three (3) consecutive board meetings because of health or illness, and is not expected to recover or be able to return to board service.
(b) If a director is absent without good reason from three regular board meetings within any one year period, the remaining directors may declare that a vacancy exists.
(c) If the Board of Directors determines that a director lacks eligibility under Article III, Section II of these Bylaws, it shall be the duty of the board to withhold the office from said director and declare that a vacancy exists.
(d) If the office of any director becomes vacant, the remaining directors may appoint a successor, but only after: 1) informing members of a vacancy, in a manner similar to how the cooperative communications scheduled director elections; 2) providing appropriate time and opportunity for members to express an interest in, or ask questions about, the vacancy and board service; and 3) taking sufficient time to review whether the proposed appointed director is qualified to be a director. A director appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next regular election date, at which the remainder of the unexpired term, if any, shall be filled by special election.
Board Candidate Biographies
Each candidate is responsible for the information contained in their biography. Candidates nominated by petition have an asterisk (*) next to their name.
District 1
Three-Year Term

Gerald (Jerry) Pittman, Lakeville, seeks re-election in District 1. Jerry is a 31-year Dakota Electric member and served on Dakota Electric’s board for 30 years, currently as board treasurer. He served as chair of Dakota Electric and its subsidiary boards, Energy Alternatives and Midwest Energy Services. Pittman has a BS Mechanical Engineering (U of MN) and MBA (Loyola U). He worked in the energy industry for over 35 years and currently owns The File Depot – Twin Cities, a full-service records management business he started with his family. He is a military veteran, member of Minnesota Farmers Union, and member of Fresh Energy and Conservation Minnesota. Jerry also volunteered with Feed My Starving Children and Habitat for Humanity. For more information, please visit

Jeff Nelson, Lakeville, seeks election in District 1. Jeff is a 25-year Dakota Electric member with a keen interest in renewable energy. He received his master’s degree in taxation and worked for 21 years at the accounting firm PwC as a managing director/CPA before retiring in 2020. At PwC, he co-led PwC’s Like Kind Exchange Technology Practice. He has designed and installed off-the-grid solar and wind power systems at his Minnesota cabin. He is an active member of Lakeville Friends of the Environment, the Sierra Club, CURE, Fresh Energy, Minnesota Farmers Union, Citizen Climate Lobby, and MRES, and works to support environmental stewardship within his community. As a father and grandfather, Jeff is committed to leaving an energy secure future for our children.
District 2
Three-Year Term

Clay Van De Bogart, Lakeville, seeks re-election in District 2. Clay is a 30-year member of Dakota Electric and has served on Dakota Electric’s board for 24 years. He also represents Dakota Electric on Great River Energy’s (GRE) board of directors, the company supplying power to Dakota Electric. He has served multiple terms as treasurer for both organizations. At Dakota Electric his board committee work includes capital credits payments for members, scholarships for youth, audit, utility rate case, election and serves on the diversity, equity and inclusion working group. His focus at GRE includes financial oversight, risk management processes, governance reform and responsible renewable energy development. Clay has served on various civic boards and commissions, is retired and holds degrees in agriculture and business.
District 3 — Seat 1
Three-Year Term

Kenneth (Ken) Danner, Apple Valley, seeks re-election in District 3. Kenneth is a 43-year Dakota Electric member and has served on the board for 22 years. He is retired from Collins Aerospace (Rosemount Aerospace) after working 37 years in design engineering, purchasing, quality assurance and manufacturing management. He is a Credentialed Cooperative Director and previously served seven years as treasurer and chair of the Audit Committee and chaired the Capital Credits Committee. He also served as board secretary and on the Compensation and Performance Review Committee. A graduate of the University of Minnesota (BSME), Danner is a Registered Professional Engineer and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and proprietor of Danner Clockworks. He is a member of Emanuel Lutheran Church.

Donald (Don) Vasatka, Eagan, seeks election in District 3. Don is a 44-year member of Dakota Electric and has 32 years of financial leadership experience including his current position with an investment consulting firm providing analytical expertise to pension plans. He serves on the Sustainable Eagan Advisory Commission and served eight years on the finance/governance committee of Northeast Investment Cooperative. His previous US Bank experience includes credit policy, finance, budgeting, operations and cost control. He has owned and managed an independent retail organization. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business and an MBA from the Carlson School of Management. Don’s rooftop solar and electric vehicle were featured on the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society’s Solar Home Tour and Fresh Energy.
District 3 — Seat 2
One-Year Term

Cyndee Fields, Eagan, seeks election in District 3. Cyndee is a 32-year member of Dakota Electric and a 23-year Eagan City Council member with a special interest in infrastructure; serving on the Public Works Committee and Personnel Committee; she has served as Acting Mayor for many years. She serves on the diversity, equity and inclusion working group as a member of the Dakota Electric board. Her background also includes experience in legislative assistance, curriculum leadership, demonstrating her long-term commitment to serving the community effectively. Cyndee and her husband Larry have four children and nine grandchildren.

Richard Billion, Apple Valley, seeks election in District 3 Seat 2. Billion is a 29-year member of Dakota Electric. He is a practicing patent attorney who leads the firm he founded. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, an MBA, and a JD. His professional experience at Exxon, IBM, FICO and Control Data includes software, controls, and power system technologies. He serves on the finance committee at Mary, Mother of the Church in Burnsville. He serves the Knights of Columbus in various roles. He served on numerous other boards including the MN Valley YMCA (Burnsville), the Riverwoods HOA (Burnsville) and the Friendly Shores HOA. Richard volunteers at various local organizations and was awarded Outstanding Scoutmaster in 2015. For more information go to

John Hanken, Apple Valley, seeks election in District 3. John is an 8-year member of Dakota Electric. He is a former firefighter for the City of Apple Valley and currently serves as the Senior Manager, Facilities and Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) for Silk Road Medical, a medical device manufacturer, where his responsibilities include energy management and sustainability, strategic planning, team leadership, infrastructure maintenance, capital construction planning and project management, operational budget management, and emergency medical response. Hanken is a credentialed Sustainability Facilities Professional by the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) and a member of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP). John plans to combine his professional experience and deep-rooted sense of community service to represent District 3.

Robert (Bob) Heidenreich a 20 year licensed electrical professional has a strong record of community service and professional experience. Currently serving on the City of IGH Planning Commission and has previously been involved with the Environmental Advisory Commission and founding member of Flint Hills Community Advisory Council, showcasing his dedication to environmental stewardship and community engagement. Bob has a diverse educational background in Aviation, Computer Science and Traffic Management from various institutions. With over four decades of professional experience, including owning and operating The Deck & Door Company/The Deck Store, Bob remains committed to creating fiscally responsible budgets, promoting renewable energy, and reducing carbon output. He takes pride in his contributions to Dakota County, where he has raised his family and continues serving the community.
District 4
Three-Year Term

Jenny Hoeft, Hastings, seeks re-election in District 4. Jenny is a 13-year member of Dakota Electric. Her professional leadership experience includes international trade execution with CHS in Inver Grove Heights, propagation management for Bailey Nurseries in Cottage Grove, and operations management at Afton Alps/Vail Resorts in Hastings. She’s worked in the agriculture industry from an early age, growing into leadership roles within 4-H in Dakota County and Future Farmers of America in Randolph. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, including an internship in genetics. She is the fourth generation living on her family’s farm in Nininger Township. Jenny continues her family’s legacy of volunteering and serving organizations at all levels.

Ian Benson, Rosemount, seeks election in District 4. Ian is a 31-year member of Dakota Electric and retired from Xcel Energy as vice president of transmission planning. At Xcel Energy he held leadership positions in nuclear power generation, energy trading, transmission planning, operations and customer service. His formal education includes university degrees in engineering and mathematics from the University of Minnesota and an executive MBA from the University of St. Thomas. Ian is a retired naval officer having served at sea in the Pacific fleet and various shore commands in Asia, Europe and the United States. He retired with the rank of Commander. Ian has three grown children and lives with his wife in Rosemount, Minnesota.

Elizabeth (Liz) Lucente, Eagan, seeks election in District 4 and is a 6-year member of Dakota Electric. Liz is an environmental lawyer and sustainability professional with 20+ years of leadership experience in the energy sector where her career focus is climate, energy policy, resilience and fairness. She serves as co-founder of Minneapolis-St. Paul Professional Women for Good and volunteers on Vermont Law School’s Alumni Board, her alma mater. She is a recipient of two Smart Energy Decisions WISE (Women in Smart Energy) national awards for Mentorship (2024) and Industry Leadership (2022), and King & Spalding Pro Bono Service Awards for her legal work on justice and fairness for underserved communities (2009-2013). Liz’s J.D. and Master of Studies focused on environmental policy, justice and sustainability.