
About allie.shetlerDEA

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So far allie.shetlerDEA has created 669 blog entries.

Our Commitment to Community

School Donations Dakota Electric awarded a total of $47,000 of unclaimed capital credits money to the school districts of 192, 252, 659 and Dakota County Technical College. This money will be used to fund specific educational projects and reach district goals. To learn more about the projects, visit Photo: Board members pose [...]

2022-12-01T08:53:26-06:00December 1st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Dakota Electric pays out an estimated $5.8 million to its members

Dakota Electric Association’s Board of Directors recently announced the 2022 capital credit payout to its members of a projected $5.8 million. Those who received power from Dakota Electric in 1998 through 2002 will receive a check this month. Capital credits reflect each member’s ownership in the cooperative. Any excess revenue beyond expenses that is collected each [...]

2022-11-30T13:49:04-06:00November 30th, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Opportunities to Serve Your Electric Cooperative

As a member-owned electric cooperative, Dakota Electric Association’s members have an opportunity to serve their cooperative. As part of the annual election process, Dakota Electric is requesting volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee that interviews director candidates. Volunteers are drawn by lot with two members and an alternate selected to serve for each district. The [...]

2022-11-16T10:30:07-06:00November 16th, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Dakota Electric Donates to Local School Projects

Dakota Electric Association provided the school districts of 192, 252, 659 and Dakota County Technical College with donations from the unclaimed capital credits fund. Dakota Electric awarded a total of $47,000 of unclaimed capital credits money to the schools this year, which will be used to fund specific educational projects and reach district goals. Board [...]

2022-11-04T15:08:23-05:00November 4th, 2022|Categories: Press Release|

Giving Thanks

Here at Dakota Electric, we are thankful for our members and our employees who serve them. While our priority is always to provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity, community is at the root of who we are as an electric cooperative. We are purposeful in partnering with local charitable causes, and work closely with our [...]

2022-10-31T11:07:25-05:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Dakota Electric Goes to Washington D.C.

Representatives from Dakota Electric recently traveled to Washington D.C. as part of a delegation from the Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA), which is the statewide organization that supports the interests of rural cooperatives.They presented to Minnesota’s Congressional delegation on topics and issues important to rural cooperatives in Minnesota. This was Dakota Electric’s first time being [...]

2022-10-31T11:07:16-05:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|


Maintaining Cyber, Physical Security are High Co-op Priorities  Dakota Electric strives to protect the grid and safeguard our members’ assets and data against cyberattacks. Co-ops work together and share cybersecurity information with each other, with industry partners and the federal government. Co-ops are seeking better access to government intelligence about threats so that they can respond [...]

2022-10-31T11:07:01-05:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Energy Saving Tips for Winter

After a hot summer, it’s exciting to welcome cooler weather as we transition into winter, but if you’re not careful, higher energy consumption can sneak in too. Fall is the ideal time to switch the energy saving tools and habits used throughout your home to make sure you’re set up for savings when your next energy [...]

2022-10-31T11:06:50-05:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

2023 Board Election Information

Interested Director Candidates  In adherence with Dakota Electric’s bylaws and policies, an annual election is held where any eligible member may seek election to the board of directors in the district which they reside.  Members interested in seeking election for a director seat should visit Annual Meeting & Election page for [...]

2022-11-01T06:57:55-05:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|